September 13, 2012

Rosedale Meeting Research


Things already being worked on in the community:
Farmers Market
The Farmers Market sends out text alerts. 
They are getting bike lanes and sidewalks. 
Community walking club. 
Building regulations. 
42nd @ Mission - Community Orchard.

Healthy Kids Club - Healthy habits - elementary kids. 
Healthy Kids Initiative 
Walking school bus. 
Summer soccer league. 
School harden / healthy eating. 
Environmental learning lab (They still need the grant for this.)
Doctors prescribe vegetables for the kids.
Vegetable prescriptions are redeemable at the farmers market.
Healthy halloween.
Healthy kids carnival.

Statistics About the Community:
Growing latino population.
- 45% english first language. (We can mention how the languages on the city can be two different kinds) 
- 89% Free / Reduced Lunch
- 6k - 250k Range
1920s own town. Then annex.
60% Rental 80-90% by KU Med.

Issues mentioned in the meeting with them. 
Seeds for kids and children. 
I-35 cut the city in half. 
Directed traffic away from the core of the old city. 
* Communication Problems. 
* People call them to ask about: Tracking down who owns a particular house, Dogs being loose, wild cat (14!) vandalism reports, and road closures and construction. 
* They are the resource for the community. 
Social and environmental determinates of health - where we grow up. 
51% of children are obese.
Food desert. No grocery stores in some areas. 
Food court. 
Environmental Lab at Rosedale middle school. 
Businesses don't want to allow for bike lanes because it would take away from parking. 
Explain to the businesses what the changes are and how and why its good for therm and the community. 
Affordable water access for the gardens.
Healthy chickens. Urban chickens. 

Finding a unifying brand or a unifying symbol in the community for the brand because of how diverse it is.
Shape of the city. 
Old city.
Replace the old banners.
*** Make it obvious that its being renewed!
push the idea of share the road.
Bikes on the road as well. 

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