September 13, 2012

Google Branding Research


Google is a play on the word googol, which refers to the numbers represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. Google's use of the term reflects the company's mission to organize the immense, seemingly infinite amount of information available on earth. 


Google logo uses primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and green color mixture of yellow and blue.

These colors are used seen mostly in toys and products for kids. 

* COLORS NEED TO BE UPDATED! - see play design. 

Web Experience: (UI)

Google search has one of the best user experiences among search engines. it is a very simplistic clean interface meakes search very easy. since everything is measurable in search business. google improves its interface regarding to those user experiences. interface is very intuitive. 


- Search Results + ADS is the core of

- see the evolution of the search engine interface and how it has become simpler and simpler. 

- Homepage personalization. 

- Holiday logos



Playfulness: april fool's day jokes, i'm feeling lucky, stretching out the goooooooogle name for multiple pages, change logos all the time and logo competitions. 

Success Factors:

Successful Innovation Management: 20% percent time for workers. 70-20-10, googolplex, tech talks.
Successful Emotional Branding: playfulness, ie jokes.
Continuous User Reacher: Real time user studies. Googlelabs
Swiss Army Knife Model: Give users what they want when they want it. 
Best search experience: Simplistic, intuitive interface. 

Future: Google wants to remove all other carriers of information outside of the internet. Google purchased fiber tech in 2008 and now its rolling out in 2012. Google's main priority is to take over the transport of content and information, rather than just organize it. Every company that distributes content and information -- phone companies, television networks, cable companies, anfd so on -- is a target as google seeks to deliver everything through the internet. 


30 SECONDS ON... Google's sense of humour
- Google offers specialised search-engine interfaces for several unusual languages, including Klingon, Pig Latin, Bork Bork and the dialect of Elmer Fudd.
- An 'Easter egg' is buried in the free mapping program Google Earth, that allows users to pilot a virtual plane across the planet using a flight simulator. To access this in Google Earth, open the program and press Ctrl-Alt-A on your keyboard.
- Google Calculator also has a few surprises up its sleeve. Searching for the 'answer to life the universe and everything' reveals a familiar answer. Similarly, asking for the 'number of horns on a unicorn' or how often is 'once in a blue moon' retrieves amusingly accurate numerical responses.
- Google's Gmail is also in on the fun. Click on your spam folder and then look at the ad running above the mail box. Rather than the usual targeted advertising, you should see a recipe for spam. Click on it and a full guide to preparing the canned meat is provided.

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