February 6, 2013

Degree Project - Week 2


We can reward power social media users by giving them a better curated sampling because they have more information in which we can pull the "content profile"from! More Networks = Clearer Picture of that User!

Key things this app has to accomplish:
  • Cut through the clutter!
  • Discover the content that truly matters!
  • Share Content effectively! - You're able to target just those groups of people who you know care the most about the content you're sharing with them. 
  • Get more enjoyment from using it vs competitors! - Open 1 app instead of 8. 
Link to Survey: I believe this will help me identity my primary audience and the audience I'm missing and need to get a sampling from. This app is for everyone. But for the scope of this project I need to identity my primary audience. Its tough because power users would want it to customize their experience. Where my less than tech savvy mother might want it to cut down on how overwhelmed she is with social networking. 

This survey will hopefully answer the questions around:
  • What devices they use most often. 
  • How many social networks the average person uses.
  • How many social apps they have on that device. 
  • Their most frequently used social app.
  • Their least used social app, and why.
  • Do they use any apps that are out there to augment their current social app experience like Gabi. 
  • How they feel about apps using other apps for authorization. (My backend to my app)
  • How would they group their "friends" or "connections"
  • How would they group their social networks.
  • What kind of customization they would like to see?
  • What annoys them the most about current networks/apps.
  • How much experience they have.
  • If they're from a creative field, etc.
  • What kind of users they are. 
  • Favorite kind of prospective tech.
  • They're super awesome for filling this out. (no choice) 
New Project Progress Reviewers:

Cameron @ P3
Luis, Molly, Sean @ Mutual Mobile
Brandon, Cheryl, Josh @ Huge

"By identifying casual versus power users, organizations can start to segment user behaviors as they relate to traffic, social media and advertising..."

Interesting Reads: 
  • http://socialmouths.com/blog/2012/06/05/curate-content-from-your-smartphone/
  • http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33698/Facebook-Tests-Pinterest-Style-Feature-Called-Collections.aspx
  • http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/facebook-updates-nearby-feature/
  • http://blog.metaroll.com/2011/12/26/curating-flipboard-content-two-varieties-of-personalization/
  • http://www.curatecontent.com/
Highly Recommended Curated/Tailored App Audit: 
These news apps have to regulate a massive amount of content sometimes along side social content. They have been highly informative in ways that established apps have tailored and curated app data.

"Digging into the preference options available in the iPad app is like unwrapping the layers of an onion, you can just keep going."

  • Curates content by pulling information from your social media networks. It reads into how you interact with your contacts, to get to know you. Once it has an idea of your personality it then makes predictions and recommendations of what you'll want to read. 
  • Incredibly high degree of customization 
  • "Digging into the preference options available in the iPad app is like unwrapping the layers of an onion, you can just keep going."
  • There’s also a Pandora-like mechanic to the application, so it will learn from you the more you use it and from the news stories you are reading, sharing, and liking — as well as those being discarded. 
  • Simply pick a few topics and your Flipboard is instantly populated with the news you care about. 
  • Organize content by taping and holding any section title on your Flipboard to rearrange the order. 
  • CUT THROUGH THE CLUTTER (Auto organize, limits your viewing, frequent interactions) 
  • You don’t have to waste time reading hundreds of irrelevant tweets or articles, because this tool organizes your content for you. 
  • Limit your viewing to what you want to read and see the most. 
  • This app lets you see the posts of the people you interact with the most, limiting endless Twitter feed scrolling. 
  • SEE MORE CONTENT (Content cull and cut, No extra clicks) 
  • Content curation tools usually cull and cut down the amount of information you see. 
  • Flipboard curates in a different way, pulling together all article elements so you can quickly scan text and images without extra clicks 
  • NETWORK EFFICIENTLY (Quick sharing, Share and comment all in one place) 
  • You can use Flipboard to share comments and reply to your network all in one place. 
  • When your friends or business contacts post photos on Flickr, you can see their latest posts. 
  • If you see an article that would benefit someone in your network. 
  • Timeline feature that lets you see how long ago an article or page was posted. The built-in timeline helps you save time when searching online.











Marty Maxwell Lane said...

good start on the timeline, but from what i can see, you need to get more specific. when will you start wireframes? sitemaps? are you creating a motion prototype? etc. etc.

Marty Maxwell Lane said...

great recap post though!

Eli Sebastian Brumbaugh said...

Hey Marty,

Thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure I get this guy up to speed ASAP!