September 19, 2011

Tender Buttons Animation

First video I uploaded was short for some reason so I have since re uploaded a new version that uses the correct time limit.


Unknown said...

The music sets a tone of mellowness with a dash of groove. The type begins to function in the same way but could be pushed? You've got the rhythm it just needs a little umph. A little more punch to the pace. perhaps keep me on my toes more. After the third "reveal" of text, there is a sense of predictability leaving me less engaged. I think the end of the animation that has all of the paragraphs at once is sweet. Id look to that for any improvements. Like what if There were two axis going at once. Three? One axis with multiple rates of exposure? Only you have the answer Eli. Dont get me wrong, the video is great and I enjoy/envy your concept, I just think that if any improvement could be made itd be in those areas.

Michael Armstrong said...

I can see that what you're trying to hint at with the background once you told me, I just don't think I would have gotten there on my own. Also since its there I wish you would have had your type interact more with the background in some way. Perhaps its the organic image against the motion of the text coming out from a clean cut mask.
I think your text is a bit of a one-trick pony, in that I can enjoy the un-naturalistic reveals the first time, but my brain fights to hold interest in it once I've figured it out. So yeah, really trying to find some way to keep that fresh each time would be good for you. That way I might not try to wait until the first line comes out, before I start reading it.