February 16, 2011

Typographic Campaign - Buses & Billboards Iterations Round #2

I will be moving forward with my red iterations after critique today.

Post Crit Decisions: (These pertain to the Red iterations only) 
  • I will be replacing my thin typeface with a still visibly thin type but bold enough to be legible for the application on the bus.
  • Instead of using white box shapes to show a reversal of contrast for emphasis and second meaning (which allowed for the reader to receive the message even if they could only catch a part of it moving quickly in a moving vehicle) with a BOLD type instead to give the same visual appearance. 
  • If I choose to rotate the kit image I must do so on all of them. I'm still torn on to do this or not. I think having the kit texture being turned at an angle helps portray speed and motion but at what cost to my other two designs which benefit from being straight on horizontal. 
  • The first bus skin will have to be adjusted because it uses two separate kit items. Michael pointed out I could simply use the circle again at a larger scale which should resolve the problem. 
  • The second red bus skin I will have to make the choice to either rotate the kit design horizontal or vertical. After crit I believe there is no question to making the horizontal choice. 
  • Personally I think that the first concept is the strongest but we'll see once the next round of iterations are complete. 
My current color pallet

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