February 7, 2011

How Does the Smithsonian Collect Artifacts? Responce

The Smithsonian uses a process based on index. They visit the site, inventory the artifacts, and research the collection. They then prepare a proposal which is then run past the Collecting Committee. If approved someone from the museum come out to the location with a moving van or truck to transport the items to the museum.

Upon arrival of the moving truck the owner of the items must sign a accession document to transfer ownership of the items to the Smithsonian. When this comes to pass the museum rules take over. Including the rule that the items cannot be left alone at any time so they work as a group bringing the items back to the Smithsonian.

Once the items make it back to the Smithsonian the items are placed into temporary storage in the museum. They then much like us designers carefully unpack, catalog, photograph, and store them. Once the process is complete the original owner of the items is invited out to see how the Smithsonian has taken care of his or her donated items.

1 comment:

jamie said...

yes, but I'd like your response to connect more directly with the current project