May 13, 2011

Smithsonian "Gameover" Exhibit Branding Book Final

Smithsonian "Gameover" Exhibit Branding Book

Front Cover

iPhone Spread

iPhone Spread Partial

NES Journal

NES Journal Outside

NES Journal Inside


jamie said...

For final documentation either present the final digital files or better color corrected photography of the physical book.

Also, why are there dinosaurs at your exhibit?

MaryBond said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eli Sebastian Brumbaugh said...

I will replace that documentation with proper images tonight.

The image that shows the dinosaur exhibit was supposed to be an example of the function of google goggles and how it would work. I was not able to find a similar setting using the same technology in a museum featuring an exhibit that looked like my own. Should I have forgone using any image that showed function but not context as well? I was just trying to capture what it would look like to the user.

That first comment was posted by accident on another account so I removed it.

Thank you for the correction Jamie.