February 23, 2011

Typographic Campaign - Billboards & Buswrap Final Revisions

This is the third and final round of revisions for my billboard and buswrap section of my typographic campaign. 

My final revisions after our last crit:

I added my web address to all sides of my bus. 
I enlarged the size of the website address on all sides of the bus to make it more visible. 
I adjusted the size of my texture on the back of my bus's to make room for the web address. 
I took a note from the class crit and resized some of the quotations on my bus wraps and billboards because some of the type was getting too close to the sides of the bus / billboard. 
On the last bus wrap I adjusted the rotation of the texture to work both vertically and horizontally instead of trying to force one idea I discovered both together work stronger as a composition. 

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