October 18, 2010

West Bottoms - Line Studies Round #2


IvanAlonso said...

1.The continuation between the pairing is what makes this strong. The High contrast in your photograph makes the poster cohesive and visually striking. 2. The photograph is legible and pretty specific to the areas. The only improvement I can think of at this point is to fix the angle of the shot. Make it more straight on. 3. As far as craft goes you're execution is great just make the blacks consistent for digital views. 4. Typeface should reflect the idea in image one. Placement is good just play with kerning. The typeface resonates with west bottoms. 5. The exploitation of perspective and depth is interesting. The interplay between the flat line study and the multidimensional photograph makes for and intriguing poster. Intentional framing is good. The lines look like they would extend forever but the way you framed it keeps it contained without looking zoomed in and cropped. The alignment is excellent both in type and image. 6. the poster shows the industrial nature of the west bottoms. The strong lines get at the point of production and factory.

IvanAlonso said...

1. Conceptually the pairing is strong. Strength lies within the visual elements as well. The decision to change the line study from a random one to a progressive one was a smart move. It strengthened concept and visual composition/comparison. 2. Photo is beautiful. The framing is good and the natural fade to black in the top right corner worked out to your advantage. improvements? stabilizer? tripod next time? 3. craft is spot on. 4. The type in image four is the path you should explore. The alignment between the three lines in the line study integrates the type well. 5. This one is interesting in that it is comparison through continuation. You're making a connection of progression in your pairing that is interesting when talking about the west bottoms. 6. The poster shows the empty concrete jungle that the west bottoms can be. Just a barren land of vacant buildings.

IvanAlonso said...

1. This pairing is a more abstract than the others. I like this quality. Although it is not a straight forward visual, it is easy to draw connections between the two images. 2. Nice Framing. Photo reads as , specifically, the west bottoms. 3. craft is good. I'm worried that you might lose the line study in the second iteration. Stick with the poster that has the full line study. 4. We talked about Type occupying the same amount of space as one of the visual elements in the photograph. Specifically the quadrant created by the shadows. I think if the text was housed by the two graphic elements in the poster there would be a stronger sense of integration between text and image. 5. Alignment is evident in blocks of lines not necessarily the individual lines. For example the horizontal blocks that mimic the windows on the right side of the composition. This would fall under correspondence I believe. 6. This photo is specific to the west bottoms as well. The railroads are an important part of the west bottoms.
Good work Eli