February 5, 2012

Testing The Waters

The Questions: How does nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism affect the typographic form at different distances? Can there be a typeface designed to correct optical distortions? Can the data be used to accurately replicate the optical blur and distortion in other situations?

Pick different typefaces to test with (ones that people interact with on a daily basis e.g. Helvetica, Interstate, Futura, Trade Gothic, Garamond, Univers). "Helvetica is everywhere. It is the standard typeface of hospital signage systems, medicine labels..." -http://www.frieze.com/issue/article/typecast/

Creating a checklist with multiple scenarios for the individuals eyesight and the results for each distance and typeface tested.

Interview potential victims. Record their specific vision type.

Conduct experiment. 

Try to ask the subject to replicate the type with a camera for blur and a computer for distortion.

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