August 26, 2012

Design of Dissent Response

Two Questions:
  • To quote the article "We've seen too often how great design successfully sells monstrous lines, and we know how closely related to the whole process of selling and branding, of merchandising and commodifying, how intimately related to business, to commerce, all graphic art is." With this realization should there be an ethics requirement in the colleges? Some kind of program with the AIGA? Every two years when I renew my insurance license I have to take 30 hours of continuing education courses that include a MANDITORY ethics class. This because its a financial industry in which people can lie and cheat others out of great sums of money. Does graphic design not have the same power? We can't stifle creativity with checks and balances, but we can inform those people creating the work. 
  • Glaser hints that print has become less relevant because either you can't afford to put it where people will see it, or you have to pay to have it protected now so it remains up. He says the internet now "provides this opportunity". How long until hackers have to be paid off to leave your message alone on the internet, or ad space is unaffordable or incorruptible? 

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